Saturday, July 4, 2015

Cruisin' into Kentucky

Five states and twelve hours later, Leawood UMC arrives safely at Trinity UMC, exhausted but ready to serve in the week ahead. 

We headed off from the church around 7:45, packed into vans with burritos, cinnamon rolls and a prayer circle to fill us up. The journey ahead loomed long in front of us, but the sugar from the cinnamon rolls definitely perked us up. 

Each van had a different experience. Some listened to Broadway show tunes, some played cards and made friendship bracelets, while others took numerous naps. And of course there was some snacking too. 

When we finally arrived at Trinity UMC, we were greeted with a wonderful pastor (complete with a southern accent) and a beautiful purple and pink sky.

The beautiful Kentucky sky
For dinner, we had wondrous pulled pork and brisket left over from the Legacy Barbecue and finished it off with oven baked s'mores, courtesy of Nancy.  

Barb, Jack and Gordon lovingly prepare dinner
We wrapped up the night with a short devotion, reminding us who we are in Christ. 

We got to see a few scattered fireworks, but unfortunately we missed the big show from last night. It was definitely a fantastic way to wrap up our first day of travels. 

Jenna and Kristin 

All the girls pose in front of the church entrance

Group bonding over hacky sack

Linda, Janet, Barb and Rachel demonstrate proper eating etiquette
Alex and Jake relax while playing cards

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the fun pics & posts. May God bless you with another smooth day of travel . . . . . and joy.
