Sunday, July 5, 2015

Riding into Red Bird

After a wonderful night spent at Trinity UMC we got to attend a delightful prayer service, where we got to listen to scripture and sat in silence of the Lord in prayer. We then started our rainy, two hour drive to Henderson Settlement, where Pastor Howard met up with some old friends (he had worked and lived there previously for two years). We were privileged to receive a tour of the property and see some beautiful scenery.

A Banner in the Prayer Hall of Trinity UMC
Our Rainy Drive
Our Tour of Henderson Settlement
Waiting patiently for the rain to subside, we played card games and visited. When the rain slowed, we were able to pack up and get on the road for an hour and a half trip to Red Bird. Once we arrived at Red Bird, we got situated (boys in a cabin at the bottom of a hill and girls at the top), and had a delicious dinner of pizza and sloppy joes provided by the Red Bird staff. 
Our Welcome to Red Bird
Beautiful View of Clouds over the Mountains
We rested a bit after dinner, before heading down to orientation. While there, we received a descriptive layout of the grounds and the work we will be doing this week. We then sang songs of grace and praise and closed with a prayer. Finally, we had our own devotion and team building games. Then off to shower (which was much needed) and get rest for a big day tomorrow.

Molly, Kate, and Frances

PS the best way to contact us is commenting through the blog
and YAY USA!!!

Enjoying the Local Cuisine!
Old Piano in Schoolhouse at Henderson
Original Schoolhouse
Alex Gazing Majestically out into the Valley
Group Photos!!
Love One Another

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