Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Last Minute Preparations

I can't believe it is almost time for us to leave on this year's Mission Trip Adventure.  A sure sign that the time is close is setting up the blog.  Expect some changes to the format but this is at least a start.

We leave Saturday the 4th for Red Bird Mission in Beverly, Kentucky.  Seventeen of us will be heading off to be Christ's hands and feet.  Please keep us in your prayers - for safe travels, patience, and the wisdom to find the opportunities to make a difference in someone's life in some small way.  Whether it is the person driving next to us as we head down the highway, the cashier at the gas station, the person standing in line with us for the restroom, or the people we meet at Red Bird Mission - we want to touch lives.

Thank you for your support.  Please watch for updates as various members of the team keep you updated on our progress.


1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to be going on this trip with Jenna and members of my church family. Red Bird Mission and the many special people it serves... I look forward to our time together!
